Saturday, February 18, 2006

2 weeks after CNY.....getting busy again

  • CNY 2006 already a history.
  • Half of the January semester already completed.
  • Assignments are pouring in for marking.
  • Students thesis groups are constantly looking for their supervisors since the submission is coming soon

This are some stories related to the post CNY.

Since Monday this week, the university is embarking on a security campaign where all the students and staff need to wear their ID the moment they step into the campus. This is to prevent unauthorised people from entering the premises. I believe this exercise should be put into action very long time ago.

How to encourage everyone to war the ID card? I'm wearing it because I have inserted the magnetic access card for staff room in the ID card holder together with my ID card - I need to use the acess card to enter into my office.

Some of my suggestions: (These ideas are already being practiced in some of the organisation as well as the educational institutions)
1. Incorporate the smart chip into the ID card
  • to be used for entering the each lecture and tutorial rooms as an attendance marking tools (attendance report will be generated upon request by lecturers and tutors or being viewed online)
  • library books loan can also be implemented
  • e-cash systems for printing, cafeteria and as well as library fines
  • Information kiosk can be provided around the campus for students to check all the relevant information by using the ID card on information such as examination results, time-table, attendance record and etc
Do you have anymore ideas? Or may be you can share with me whether you prefer to wear ID card or not.


vigooros said...

My opinion about wearing our ID card:
I guess its kind of 'gaya' hanging our ID's round our neck.
Besides, aren`t we proud of ourselves and proud of our why hide your ID.
At least the management didn't ask us to wear name tags like those in primary school.

As for what can our ID be used for besides the ones mention above:
I think it can be serve as a touch an go for our parking....
I guess everyone would wear their ID if they need to swipe it at the toilet doors in order to have excess to the toilets.hahahah.....good idea right

Anonymous said...

students doesnt wanna wear as it doesnt looks nice on us more like a dog chain dangling around our neck^^...

Anonymous said...

where you come from!

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